This site is committed to user privacy. We understand and appreciate that as a visitor and user of this website you may have concerns about your privacy, confidentiality and security of any information that you provide to us.

Any information collected from this site will be used solely for statistical purposes and for the issuing of EAC's cards and keys by Telstra.

No attempt is or will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the Internet Service Provider's logs.

Email correspondence sent to this site will be treated as a public record and will be retained as required by the Libraries and Archives Act 1988 and other relevant regulations.

Your name and address details will not be added to a mailing list, nor will we disclose these details to third parties without your consent unless required by law.

Disclosure of personal information
SkillsAcq Pty Ltd will only use or release personal information for activities which are directly related to the original reason we collected it, unless:

  • It is required by law or needed for a criminal investigation;
  • It will lessen a serious and imminent threat to a person's life or health;
  • We believe an offence has been committed and we tell the relevant authorities;
  • We have the permission of the person that the information concerns.

Our Internet Service Provider may monitor email traffic for system trouble shooting and maintenance purposes only.